A one-hour documentary written and presented by Simon Reeve, and broadcast on BBC2 and BBC World during Summer 2004. House of Saud took Simon across Saudi Arabia, from the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah, to the isolation of the Empty Quarter desert.

House of Saud:
Inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
a 60 minute documentary for broadcast on This World on BBC2
written and presented by author and broadcaster Simon Reeve
Saudi Arabia is in crisis. The secretive desert kingdom
is being wracked by terrorist violence and ordinary
Saudis are becoming victims. Meanwhile reformers and
hardliners are battling over the future of the country.
Saudi Arabia controls 25 per cent of the planet’s
oil, and offers spiritual leadership to 1.3 billion
Muslims as custodian of the holiest sites in Islam. How
the ruling Royal Family deals with the current crisis
has profound implications for the entire world.
of Saud is a rare glimpse inside one of the most
conservative countries in the world. With unprecedented
access this film takes viewers from the glittering
palace of Crown Prince Abdullah to the Empty Quarter
desert and the tents of the nomadic Bedouin.
After the triple shocks of 9/11, the US-led invasion of
Iraq and recent terror attacks in Saudi, House of Saud
shows how the House of Saud is being harassed
alternately by reformers demanding changes and
hardliners demanding a return to traditional values.
But the kingdom has already seen more change in the
last 30 years than in the previous 13 centuries.
Militants are angry, and have launched repeated terror
In House of Saud Royal leaders claim they can
crack-down on extremists while modernising the kingdom.
They have a huge challenge: the economy is in tatters
and unemployment is up to 30 per cent.
House of Saud notes some of the changes – reforms
to the economy and women’s rights, and the
promise of elections – but also questions
contradictions found in the kingdom:
- more than 70 per cent of the population is under 30,
but all of the leaders are over 70.
- mainstream religious leaders in Saudi condemn
Christians and Jews as heretics, yet icons of American
consumerism abound in the kingdom. There are dozens of
McDonalds, but they close five times a day for prayers.
- women comprise 55 per cent of graduates, but make-up
a fraction of the workforce.
- alcohol, cinema and dancing are banned in Saudi.
Firms are prevented from playing songs to callers put
on hold. But shops and video stores play rap music.
- meanwhile women, who are still forced to wear the
black abaya – because of tribal custom not Islam,
buy racy lingerie from exclusive boutiques.
This World attends Crown Prince Abdullah’s tribal
gathering, filming it for Western television for the
first time, then travels the vast country to speak with
ordinary Saudis and Princes.
House of Saud introduces men and women like Khaled al
Ghannami, a liberal young student who became a radical
Wahhabi Muslim and destroyed his photographs and
televisions; Selwa Al Hazza, one of the few senior
Saudi female doctors; Nahed Taher, a senior female
economist calling for economic reform; Prince Amr, an
IT businessman creating software that will help future
democratic elections; Jamal Khaleefa, Osama bin
Laden’s former best friend, who now runs a fish
restaurant; ‘Saleh’, a militant preacher
close to the terrorists; and Prince Turki, the son of
King Faisal and a former head of Saudi intelligence.
Presenter Simon Reeve, author of the first book on
Osama bin Laden, a New York Times bestseller, discovers
Saudis who previously supported bin Laden are disgusted
at recent attacks which killed Muslims, and are turning
against the extremists of al Qaeda. Because Saudi
Arabia is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammed and
focus of attention for the Muslim world, this backlash
against terrorism has huge significance for the global
‘war on terror’.
House of Saud looks at the effects of recent changes
inside the kingdom, and discovers Saudi Arabia is at a
crossroads, choosing between the modern world and the
mediaeval, between piety and consumerism. It questions
how Crown Prince Abdullah will balance the demands of
liberals and reactionaries.
And in doing so help determine not only the future of
the kingdom but, with the Muslim world watching Saudi
closely, the future of much of the planet.
and Presented By: Simon Reeve
of This World: Karen O’Connor
Producer and Director: Anthony Makin
TOOTH film
for This World
Article written
by Simon about the programme:
July 14, 2004, Wednesday
Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who rules
Saudi Arabia in place of his ailing half-brother, King
Fahd, is sitting under huge crystal chandeliers in a
luxurious hall the size of a football pitch, listening
to the problems and complaints of his subjects. In the
middle of a short queue, a weatherbeaten tribal elder
waits patiently. When his turn comes, the tribesman
sits in an ornate chair next to the prince and begins
pleading for a new well in his village. To my surprise,
there is no subservience. Instead, the elderly man wags
his finger at the 81-year- old prince, and even appears
to be hectoring him.
After a few moments, during which Crown Prince Abdullah
listens attentively, the old man hands him a letter
confirming his request, squeezes the arm of his ruler
and wanders away satisfied. With the air of a man
dealing with a demanding family, the prince hands the
paper to one of several flunkeys and turns to the next
visitor. This uniquely Saudi event is a majlis, at
which male Saudis are granted an audience with royalty.
This summer, at a palace in the west of the kingdom, I
became one of few Westerners permitted to meet the
crown prince and to observe this medieval form of
consultative rule.
In spite of heightened security after a spate of
terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, the majlis is a
curiously intimate affair. Saudis crowd round their
leader for a handshake. Aides say there is no vetting
of questions, and any male can drop in for a chat.
"Just like one of your MPs' meetings with
constituents," a younger prince told me. Not quite. The
House of Saud runs every aspect of the kingdom as its
private fiefdom. While the majlis proves that the
royals listen to their subjects, it also shows how
ordinary Saudis' lives can be changed, for better or
worse, on a royal whim.
The senior royals, who have run this vast country since
the charismatic King Abdul Aziz bin Saud unified Arabia
in 1932, have long been vilified by outsiders. Western
critics say the royals are corrupt, misogynistic,
dictatorial and oppressive - and responsible for
fomenting global terrorism. When I spent almost a month
travelling around the kingdom, it came as a surprise to
discover the extent to which most Saudis support the
royals and want them to retain control, at least for
Crown Prince Abdullah, a son of King Abdul Aziz, is
leading the nation during one of the most turbulent
periods in its history. Saudi Arabia is facing
unprecedented economic, social and political upheaval,
and only major change can prevent the country sliding
into chaos. The crown prince leads a reforming wing of
the royal family. He has done much to discourage royal
extravagance - even forcing the many other princes to
pay for their own airline tickets - and is slowly
beginning to modernise this devoutly Islamic country.
But he must reconcile change with the demands of a
pious population that worries that the Islamic focus of
the state is under threat, while at the same time
challenging the fundamentalists responsible for a wave
of bombings and attacks across the kingdom.
Indeed, Saudi Arabia is a land of staggering
contradictions. All Saudis profess loathing for the
American government, and the suffering of the
Palestinians dominates the news. Yet Western shops and
foreign fast-food restaurants do brisk business.
McDonald's is hugely popular, although every outlet has
separate sections for men and women and, like all
businesses and shops, they close five times a day for
prayers. Alcohol and cinemas are illegal, but video
stores stock the latest Hollywood releases. Satellite
dishes are officially banned, but most families have
one. Public music is prohibited, and firms have been
reprimanded for playing music to callers on hold, but
English-language graffiti praise American rappers and
Eminem blares from car stereos.
The fiery mutawaeen - religious police from the
Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the
Prevention of Vice - roam streets, shops and
restaurants enforcing their vision of morality. Saudi
women are legally prevented from driving and - with
scant religious justification - must wear the black
abaya, which covers the body from head to toe. Yet
women wearing the abaya pore over scraps of underwear
in lingerie shops in Riyadh before combing the
sprawling new Harvey Nichols department store for
fashionable dresses they can wear at private
About 70 per cent of the population of the Holy Kingdom
are under the age of 30, but all the rulers are over
70. An army of youngsters is simmering with
frustrations. There are few outlets for youthful
rebellion. Young people are so desperate for contact
with the opposite sex that teenagers scribble their
names and mobile numbers on bits of paper and throw
them at someone they fancy when the mutawaeen aren't
To justify and legitimise its rule over its young
subjects, the House of Saud turns to Islam. Since the
creation of the state, the House of Saud has partnered
with clerics who espouse the strict form of Islam
derived from the 250-year-old teachings of a preacher
called Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab. Mercy and tolerance
are hallmarks of Islam, but Wahhabi teaching declares
that Muslims who do not adhere to his particular
version of Islam are apostates, and thus deserving of
death. For decades, strict Wahhabism has taught that
Christians and Jews are infidels and heretics. Wahhabi
clerics control education in Saudi, and they have
raised many youngsters to hate.
School textbooks state that Muslims and non-believers
are historical enemies and include sections detailing
"ways to show hatred to the infidel". One book explains
that Jews and Christians were cursed by Allah "and
turned into apes and pigs". Universities focus on
religious instruction and eschew vocational skills,
leaving many young Saudis ill equipped for the modern
Education and militancy are not the only areas where,
critics say, the House of Saud has failed. Internal
dissent has been stifled. The few human- rights workers
not in jail allege that prisoners are tortured and
Even the economy has taken a hammering. Saudi Arabia
has 25 per cent of the world's oil reserves, but the
average Saudi woman has six children, and state funds
have not kept pace with the population boom. Incomes
have fallen by about two-thirds since the Eighties, and
unemployment is up to 30 per cent. Saudi women and
children beg at traffic lights, a sight unthinkable
just a few years ago. Meanwhile, more than 4,000
princes live lavishly at state expense, and millions of
foreign "guest workers" from Asia, often treated like
servants, keep the country running by taking the jobs
Saudis are unable or unwilling to do. Foreigners make
up a staggering 90 per cent of all employees in the
private sector.
But it is wrong to perceive Saudi Arabia as a stagnant,
backward state. It has experienced more change in the
past 30 years than in the previous 13 centuries. In the
space of a few decades it has undergone an industrial
revolution, mass immigration, globalisation, a
religious backlash and a social revolution brought
about by the arrival of Arab satellite television.
Now change is coming again. To save the economy and
meet the challenges of the modern world, reformers,
including senior members of the royal family, are
preparing for democratisation, social liberalisation
and economic redistribution. The recent terror attacks
have intensified the pressure; reformers argue that
giving ordinary Saudis a say in the running of their
country will help to marginalise the militants.
Crown Prince Abdullah professes to be committed to
reform, saying: "It is high time to rid our society of
the seeds of fanaticism and hatred and instead plant
the seeds of tolerance and unity." The prince has been
holding an unprecedented series of meetings with
intellectuals, clerics and reformers, discussing
modernisation of the courts, the employment market and
the education system. Most radical of all, the country
is taking a step towards democracy. Senior princes
confirm that municipal elections, the first since the
Sixties, will be held in October - and women can vote.
Much of this change is driven by necessity. Young women
constitute 55 per cent of university graduates but just
5 per cent of the workforce. "This is a waste of money,
a waste of human resources and a waste of brains that
could really challenge this economy and get it out from
the very low growth of around 1.4 per cent for the
whole of the last 20 years," says Nahed Tahar, a female
senior economist, who graduated in Britain.
Reforms granting women more rights have already been
introduced, and laws are being rewritten to encourage
women to start businesses and to invest capital. Ten
years ago, hardly any women worked in the kingdom.
Tahar, who works for an investment bank, is a
trailblazer. But men and women still cannot work
together, so Tahar has her own office in an open- plan
building. "When I started, there were many men who
could not look me in the eye," she says. "But now they
are getting used to me."
Change happens slowly in Saudi, but royals are among
those making a difference. In Jeddah, the entrepreneur
Prince Amr bin Muhammad, a grandson of King Faisal, has
begun employing women in his IT business. "Some women
who are wealthy don't need to work," Prince Amr says.
"But there are a vast majority of them who are not
wealthy and who need to work."
Prince Amr is creating computerised maps of the kingdom
that could one day be used to compile electoral rolls
for a constitutional monarchy. Change is needed, he
says: "We cannot rule the way we have been doing for
the last 100 years. Better we change than have it
imposed on us."
I had presumed that most Saudis privately felt
oppressed by their royal rulers and wanted rapid
reform. But after meeting scores of Saudis - from
Bedouin tribesmen to senior princes, from Osama bin
Laden's former best friend to trendy young women - I
realised I had been wrong. The majority of Saudis
regard the royals as the glue that holds their country
together. And, while most people accept the need for
change, they want it to happen at their own pace, not
one dictated by the West.
I expected hostility. But, despite their anger at
Western support for Israel and general fury at American
foreign policy, Saudis do something many Westerners do
not - they make a distinction between an individual and
the government of his country. Everywhere I went, the
Saudis were warm and hospitable. The shooting of the
BBC's Simon Cumbers and Frank Gardner, shortly after I
flew home, came as a huge shock.
Yet Saudi Arabia has been a breeding ground for
militancy for more than a decade, and Western and Saudi
intelligence experts believe there are still several
thousand extremists within the kingdom who are prepared
to use violence. Many Saudis supported the events of
September 11, and a majority at least felt a degree of
satisfaction that America was suffering.
But support for extremism has begun to change since the
attacks inside Saudi Arabia, which killed local Muslims
and Western workers who were guests in the country. Now
Saudis see themselves as victims. Concrete barriers
have gone up around major buildings, hotels and
shopping malls to protect against car bombs. Dr Mohsen
al-Awaji, a Saudi lawyer who represents several
militants and who was imprisoned for his own militant
views, believes the terrorists have gone too far and
that their campaign has become "intolerable".
At his office in Riyadh, Dr al-Awaji, a pious but
avuncular figure, introduced me to "Saleh", a tough,
hardline imam who has fought in Afghanistan and
supports Bin Laden, and has been imprisoned for some
years because of his links to extremist organisations.
Saleh, who said he would have been "proud" to be a
September 11 hijacker, was flicking through the
translated autobiography of Hillary Clinton, which
seemed to reinforce his hatred of the West.
Yet he was embarrassed by the latest terror attacks
inside Saudi Arabia, and viewed them as a huge mistake.
I heard the same comments across the kingdom. Saudis
are turning against the extremists they once supported.
Even the clerics Safar bin Abdul Rahman al-Hawali and
Salman al-Awdah, once so close to Osama bin Laden that
he thanked them personally in videotapes for their
support and for "enlightening" Muslim youth, now
describe the militants as "deviants".
This change is vitally important. Saudi Arabia is the
focus of the Islamic world. About 1.3 billion Muslims
around the planet face towards the kingdom in prayer
five times each day. If the people of the holy kingdom
turn aggressively against al-Qa'ida, latent sympathy
for extremism across the rest of the Islamic world
could also start to wane. The next few years will be
crucial. The royals must introduce changes that
modernise the kingdom, treading a path between the
demands of the reformers and those of the hardliners,
while moving at a pace the cautious Saudis will accept.
The stakes are huge. Success or failure will shape the
future of Islam across the world, and could have a
profound impact on all our lives.
Simon Reeve presents Saudi: The Family in Crisis', a
This World' documentary, on BBC2 tomorrow night at 9pm.
He is the author of The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef,
Osama bin Laden and the future of terrorism' (Andre
The Daily Telegraph: "Simon Reeve provided a thoughtful and convincing picture of Saudi Arabia today…Reeve guided us through all this with great calmness and balance.”
The Sunday Times - Pick of the Week
The Times: “Simon Reeve gave a thoughtful and sensitive account of this most conservative of Muslim states”
The Observer: “a significant documentary portrait of a nation at a crossroads, faced with a difficult choice between the modern world and the mediaeval, and between piety and consumerism”
The Herald: “An exemplary piece of reporting, picking away at the difference between appearance and reality.”
The Independent: "A rare insight into the struggle at the heart of the House of Saud. In this eye-opening report by Simon Reeve, the author of The New Jackals, Reeve is given unprecedented access to the royal family, to senior clerics and critics of the House of Saud.”
DVD of the programme
The main page for Simon's side of this site is here
Details of Simon's books:
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden and the future of terrorism
and also here
One Day in September: the full story of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre and Israeli revenge operation 'Wrath of God'
Details of Simon's TV Travels:
Equator - a long journey around the warm waistband of the planet
Places That Don't Exist - a series of adventures in countries that aren't officially countries
Meet the Stans - Simon's long journey around Central Asia
For those interested, here's a biography of Simon
And some photos
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see the award-winning photography of James Reeve, Simon's brother, here

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